Visual Storyteller

Home Along the Hudson


Water Justice Lab

I was media mentor to the Water Justice Lab Youth Scientist Fellows, Lansingburgh High School students Genesis, Shansanique and Gabby, at The Sanctuary for Independent Media. We co-produced a documentary telling the story of the fellows protecting and healing the Hudson River with science. I am taught the fellows all aspects of video production, including how to plan and storyboard, record and edit audio and video.

Water Justice Lab is a new project of Media Sanctuary’s NATURE (North Troy Art Technology and Urban Research in Ecology) Lab Environmental Education Center and Riverkeeper. The project will establish a water quality sampling lab in partnership with Riverkeeper, educate diverse communities about water literacy and water civics, develop the advocacy capacity of the North Troy area, and strengthen a network of environmental justice advocates focused on water issues in the Hudson River Watershed.

For The Sanctuary for Independent Media

Learn more about the Water Justice Lab here.

Role: Youth Media Mentor, project coordinator, and editor